Friday, January 9, 2009

2nd Day "Wallowa"

Today Don brought in a scene that he wrote based on the improv we did in the first rehearsal. This was the "Split Scene". The scene where the couple splits up. The last time you see this couple together as a coherent couple, before both of their nightmares begin.

We tore the scene apart. Not critically but in that we explored about 100 of the 1000 ways the scene could go.

Laura and I both played the women's part. We tag teamed and jumped in an out. I enjoyed the experience because I was able to riff on Laura's choices and then watch as she riffed on mine. The character was this person outside of us and within us at the sametime. Two heads working to create a complete character. No judgement, no critiques, just endless possibilities.

A challenge for me is to keep an open mind. When I first read the scene Don wrote, I immediately wanted to critique it and give my two cents about what might be cut or what didn't make sense. But that kind of talk is not welcome and I appreciate that. Or at least it isn't welcome without first exploring all avenues. It's ALL still on the table and I need to remember that.

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