Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Last several days from week 2

We are starting to get into a groove with how Don works. After two weeks of working on the "split scene" we finally have a draft that is concise, packed with information and character development. We worked this scene over and over again for days and I found myself frustrated, wondering why we were spending so much time doing this. We would put the scene on it's feet, then sit down and discuss our findings and then the next day we would get a new draft with words taken away and added. By Saturday we felt good and yet we know it still isn't finished. Not even close.

At the sametime I feel like I directly contributed to the construction of this scene. We were asked to write about what Maude might be thinking during the 1st, 6th and 13th day of her "Lost" phase. I didn't realize how much the character had been developed subconsciously by doing this kind of work. Writing was almost effortless. Laura and I had very similar writings.

Shar has now joined us full time and Alex gave us some testosterone for a couple of session. A male presence is still very much needed in this project. I'm not sure if it can end up with an all woman cast. At least now, even though Maude is clearly the focus.

With so many girls we are exploring Maude and Howard's daughters and their relationship. We improv'd a scene all as siblings talking about "Mom" being lost. Don introduced the element of being in a slightly altered state, (i.e. high or drunk) to free up the conversation and emotional rollercoaster. Don has written another scene from this improv and Shar, Laura and I played the scene over and over and over. The cycle has begun again.

It is very very clear that there is NOT ENOUGH TIME for this phase of development. There is so much to explore and I fear the creative process is being hindered with the pressure of a performance in a couple of weeks. I do think a public showing should happen, it just feels too soon. And then after we do the presentation then what? Since I can't bring my critique and need to define things into the rehearsal room, this is where it is manifesting. :)

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