Thursday, January 8, 2009

Wallowa - the First Rehearsal

My shoulders are sore!!  We did a lot of sun salutations which was a fantastic warm-up but now my arms are paying the price.

Sarah did a great job of laying out the 3-part set up of our story so I won't repeat it here.  The thing I really came away from the evening with was the concept of PATIENCE with myself.  The improv exercises are challenging and I don't think I'm very good at them but I do believe Don when he says that when we are frustrated with repeating a scene over and over, the real breakthroughs will occur.  I think improv-ing an idea or conflict to see where it takes us is a great way to develop an idea.

It takes some effort on my part to NOT go for the funny which is the more traditional comedy improv muscle that I have worked on.  Just being real, simple, true to the circumstances, listening - these are the tools for now.  And Ben-Gay....

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